Current Issue

Volume 14, Issue 4
Page 489-671
December, 2024
- The Effect of Smartphone Environments on the Encoding of Life Science Terminology: A sLORETA Study
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of smartphone environments on life science terminology learning, focusing on EEG activation changes. To this end, the task performance environment was divided into ......
- An Analysis of High School Students' Brain Activation During a Metaverse-based Biological Classification Activity
This study aims to analyze the brain activity of high school students during a metaverse-based biological classification activity using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). For this study, we developed a biological ......
- Comparative Analysis of PISA 2018 Science Achievement of High and Low Performers in Korea, Canada, and Taiwan
This study identified the strengths and weaknesses of Korean high and low performers in science, comparing their performance with Canadian and Taiwanese students. Using raw data from the 2018 Programme for ......
- An Analytical Study for Digital Transformation in an Egyptian Public University: A Case of Zagazig University
This study examines the requirements for digital transformation (DT) in Egyptian public universities, focusing on Zagazig University as a case study. It analyzes the current state, essential needs, and challenges ......
- Science Teachers' Perception of Automated Scoring Scientific Argumentation in a Classroom
This study examines science teachers' perceptions of automated scoring systems (AS) in teaching scientific reasoning in the classroom. Using a combination of diffusion theory and digital assessment literacy as an analytical ......
- Exploring the Lived Experience of Graduate Students in an Introductory AI Course
This qualitative research examines the experiences of graduate students participating in an introductory AI course at a College of Education to enhance AI curriculum design and pedagogy. In-depth interviews with six ......
- A Study on the Science-Affective Domain of Students Participating in a Chemistry Experience Camp
The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the affective domain of science among students who participated in a chemistry experience camp. To this end, a survey was conducted on students who ......
- Teachers' Perceptions of the Usage of Digital Contents on Intelligent Science Lab Platform for Science Class
The rapid advancements in digital technologies and their integration into education have reshaped teaching and learning practices, particularly in science education. Despite the increasing emphasis on digital tools like ......
- A Study on a Deep Learning-Based Approach for Automated Scoring Solutions of Korean L1 Essays
The study utilized 401 data points categorized into upper, middle, and lower levels. The model development process included five stages: 1) data purification and preprocessing, 2) embedding, 3) data segmentation and ......
- Effects of spatial program on children’s mental arithmetic performance: fNIRS Study
The purpose of this research was to analyze differences in brain region activation and changes in functional connectivity using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to determine whether a spatial program ......